Breakfast at Tiffany’s movie choice!

Lisa Tsvetova
2 min readApr 22, 2021


So, what if there was another movie about Holly Golightly, what would it be?

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a thing that I don’t really like, so I’m unlikely to ever think about a possible film version of it. However, I was told to think a little on some points.

So, for me, the perfect soundtrack for this story is calm musical tunes with an emphasis on saxophone and piano. These two instruments convey well both bright, emotional scenes and sad and calm ones. Of course, Holly plays the guitar in the book, so there should be chimes in the film.

Speaking of the actors who could play the main roles, I would say that an actress with a round cute face, short in stature, would be perfect for Holly. The actress would impersonate a little angel who could stab you in the back at any moment.

The narrator is also important role. For me, “Fred” is a middle-aged man with little stubble and beautiful eyes. He should be with a wide jaw, in a suit and with some kind of insecurity, which is expressed in his shoulders’ movements.

Well, and the main character of the story is, of course, an unnamed cat. Gods, he will be red, fluffy and let him sleep constantly. Let me play this cat, guys from Hollywood!

