Lisa Tsvetova
Feb 3, 2021


Challenge One.

2021–02–03: Today read a book called “Peter Pan”. Even though the book is kind of a child one, don’t underestimate its vocabulary. It is full of the most ancient Old English phrases ever existed and that have analogues in the modern version of the language. I suffered a little, yep.

Challenge Two. Watch or Lose.

2021–02–03: I did my homework in English and watched the movie “Groundhog Day”. I really liked it. This is the story that made the trope of being stuck in the same day for the eternity insanely popular in the media nowadays.

Something new: there are maaany phrases, so here are some of them. to freeze one`s butt off = отморозить зад; an errand = поручение; a quadruped = четвероногий.

